Fresh Cheese
  Gouda Records | What's New With The Gouda | Byproduct | Hypnopaedia | Harry Rama | Nick O'Teen | Upcoming Live Performances | Visual Stimuli | Benevolent Links | Contact Page  

So what's the latest?
1/15/03 - The last few months have been a whirl wind of runny pea and corn filled crap. Luckily this has given me time to do some updates and Internet marketing. Those of you visiting the Gouda for the first time - WELCOME!!! In the meantime I have been recording more Harry Rama works and will have them posted on within the next few weeks. I will also be doing live performances with local artists in the next month so I will post those dates when I get 'em. Once again WELCOME!!! My cheeese is your cheese just a little bit smellier.

10/31/02 - Most of the BYPRODUCT songs off the Japanese Characters disc have been posted to

7/15/02 - BYPRODUCT is changing into a virtual group. Full length CD will be realesed in October.

6/27/02 - BYPRODUCT has begun to schedule shows for the summer months. The first is scheduled for July 31st at THE CENTRAL in historic Pioneer Square. Please check the UPCOMING LIVE PERFORMANCES page for more details. We would also like to thank ELENI VLACHOS of NO COMPLAINTS for writing a dynamite article for THE TABLET NEWSPAPER ( about BYPRODUCT. You can pick up THE TABLET NEWSPAPER at most music stores.

6/9/02 - New music posted at our mp3 site. We will be posting mixes of some our wavy rawk hitz as we begin the mixing process. Tell us what you think by dropping a line to The first cut up is SHOP ME PART II. Go to the BYPRODUCT page and click on the DOWNLOAD MP3'S link. If you don't you will be shunned by your peers and no one wants that. Just try to fit in for once will ya...geez.

6/9/02 - Oh yeah - - New Photos Up! Go to VISUAL STIMULI section or else.

5/20/02 - Sorry I haven't updated this site for a while. Byproduct has been working up a full length CD over the last couple months. Things are going well and we hope to be done by July. We also did a couple of photo shoots recently so I will be posting new pics soon. We're also going to be scheduling some shows for the summer so check back...OKEY DOKEY DAMMIT!!!

3/3/02 - March 23rd show cancelled.

2/17/02 - New show added at Patti Summers in March - be sure to check the UPCOMING LIVE PERFORMANCES page. We're also looking forward to playing with a really cool group - THE PURRS - link to their site on the BENEVOLENT LINKS page...GO GET 'EM!!!!!!

2/10/01 - NEW SONGS POSTED!!! Check out new BYPRODUCT at

1/15/02 - Notha' show added at THE FLAME. Click on the UPCOMING LIVE PERFORMANCES page. DO IT NOW!!!!!!

1/12/02 - What day is it anyway?

1/8/02 - Holy Smokes!!! Adding another show at PATTI SUMMERS. Yeah I know - it sounds like a person's name. Well - it is, but it's also a swell club in the Pike Streeet Market. We'll be playing with a couple of sooper wicked bands called DAFFODIL 11 and THE SILENT CROWD. You can check out DAFFODIL 11's mp3's by going to the BENEVOLENT LINKS page and clicking on their link. Be there or get drafted!!!

12/30/01 - Happy almost here New Year folks!!! 2001 - what a space odyssey. Maybe we should all come together and do something different in 2002. Who's with me? Okay - - enough drool.

BYPRODUCT has been having a great ol' time the last month. We have been playing live tons and working up a new EP. We had the pleasure of playing some crappin' rawkin' shows with NO COMPLAINTS and SAN PEDRO CIRCUS at THE I-SPY and THE INDUSTRIAL COFFEE HOUSE. You - the person reading this right now - needs to check out these two groups. Stop reading right now and go to the "BENEVOLENT LINKS" page, click on the band links, and then come back. R U back now? Great! Now you know - - NO COMPLAINTS and SAN PEDRO CIRCUS CRAPPIN' RAWK!

BYPRODUCT has released the first version of a new EP to friends and family. The disc is called "FREE" and will be evenly distributed at upcoming gigs. Speaking of upcoming gigs- there's a whole dook load so be sure to check the "UPCOMING LIVE PERFORMANCES" page before you finish that last beer and fall asleep tonight. Oh - and before you finally drift off to that tra la la land of peace and warm fuzzies remember this...BYPRODUCT IS YOUR BIOLOGICAL MOTHER!!!

11/29/01 - We have been having a really neat time recording the last couple of weeks. We did a few mostly live cuts at AIS and have also been doing our own thang with the BYPRODUCT FrankenStuDio. You could be filling your shelves (no...not yourselves) with fresh BYPRODUCT very very soon. We also have a couple of shows coming up so be sure to check out the "UPCOMING LIVE PERFORMANCES" page and for god's sake - put on some pants!!!

10/28/01 - Had a great time rawkin' The Flame on Capitol Hill last night. We played with two really hip and unique bands - MIND DOME & NO COMPLAINTS. If you have an opportunity to check out either group - DO IT! THEY CRAPPIN' RAWK! I'm telling you folks, this was a party - there were alot of zany costumes and a wicked buffet. Check the VISUAL STIMULI page see the highlights. Bet you wish you were there huh? Well hold on to your very masculine rainbow mini purse - we were asked back to play again. BYPRODUCT will be sharing an evening of sonic debauchery with SAINT SOPHIA on Saturday November 10th at THE FLAME. Be there - this club has a great atmosphere and an aural massage could be just the thing that you need to ease your mind after a long week of (insert occupation here). Check the UPCOMING LIVE PERFORMANCES page for details.

10/10/01 - We have been receiving a positive response to our demo CD and are adding two more shows. BYPRODUCT will be selling themselves (moderately priced ofcourse) at THE FLAME in October and THE BALLARD FIREHOUSE in November. Check the live performances page for details.

9/29/01 - BYPRODUCT has begun marketing local live venues to see if we can get us a show. So...I am happy to announce a live BYPRODUCT performance at The Rain Dancer (4217 University Way NE U-District) on Thursday, October 18th, 2001 at 9:00 p.m. I went to check out the place last week and it is very nice. It had an excellent atmosphere, sound system, and yummy yummy alcohol. Be there or be a trapeziod.

Olden Updates
7/1/01 - Posted a final mix of MoonBeam on Byproduct's MP3 site. It should be up in a few days. This song features the vocal stylizations of the lovely Lisa Han. Go to the Byproduct page and click on the Download MP3's link. Everybody is doing it. Don't be left out.

6/18/01 - Byproduct will be working frantically for the next month to get tracks done before Mike Wright takes a pilgrimage to Peru. Upcoming titles include: The Average, Pretty Penny, MoonBeam, Shop Me Part II, and Awkard (Song of the Wily West Coast Single Guy). I also hope to have some new pictures up soon.